Research Interests

Primary: environmental and energy economics, climate policy

Secondary: political economy, public economics

Work in progress

  • Distributional Impacts of Heterogeneous Carbon Prices in Europe — with Magnus Merkle
  • Border Carbon Adjustment with Policy Crediting
  • Climate Policy And Carbon Leakage: Evidence From 30 years of Carbon Pricing

Job market paper

The International Diffusion of Carbon Pricing: Theory and Evidence – latest version available here

In Review

  • Carbon cost pass-through in energy-intensive industrial sectors (resubmitted to The Energy Journal)—with Robert Ritz and Karsten Neuhoff
  • Rafaty, R., Dolphin, G. and F. Pretis. (2021) Carbon pricing and the elasticity of CO2 emissions. (revise and resubmit Energy Economics)
  • Emissions-weighted carbon price: sources and methods (revise and resubmit Scientific Data)
  • Does climate policy explain the productivity puzzle in network industries? Evidence from the energy sector —with Victor Ajayi, Karim Anaya and Michael Pollitt (revise and resubmit The Energy Journal)


  • Dolphin, G., Pahle, M., Burtraw, D. and Kosch, M. A net zero target compels a backward induction approach to climate policy, Nature Climate Change, vol. 13: 1033-1041.
  • Dolphin, G., and Xiahou, Q. (2022). World Carbon Pricing Database: sources and methods.  Scientific Data. 9:573.
  • Pollitt, M. and Dolphin, G. (2022). Should the EU-ETS be extended to road transport and heating fuels? Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy. DOI: 10.5547/2160-5890.11.1.mpol
  • Dolphin, G., Pollitt, M.G. and Newbery , D.M. (2020), The political economy of carbon pricing: a panel analysis, Oxford Economic Papers, vol. 72(2): 472-500.

Working paper

  • Evaluating national and subnational carbon prices: A harmonized approach. RFF Working Paper 22-4
  • Does climate policy explain the productivity puzzle in network industries? Evidence from the energy sector —with Victor Ajayi, Karim Anaya and Michael Pollitt
  • Rafaty, R., Dolphin, G. and F. Pretis. (2021) Carbon pricing and the elasticity of CO2 emissions. RFF Working Paper 21-33
  • Dolphin, G. and M.G. Pollitt (2021), Climate Policy Diffusion: theory and evidence, RFF Working Paper 21-23
  • Dolphin, G. and M.G. Pollitt (2019), Identifying innovative in the electricity supply industry using machine learning: an application to UK patent data. Current version accessible here


  • 2019 (Sept 5-6), IAEE European Conference, Vienna
  • 2017 (Sept 5-6), IAEE European Conference, Vienna
  • 2016 (July 7-8), EPRG & CEEPR European Energy Policy Conference, Paris
  • 2016 (June 19-23), IAEE International Conference – Energy: expectations and uncertainty, Bergen, Norway
  • August 25-29, 2014, “Economics of Electricity Markets” Summer School, Ghent, Belgium
  • 2013, Envecon, London, United Kingdom